Up to 34 billion different ID combinations in contactless smart cards

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civilian staff officers Central Scotland PoliceLes Gray, chairman of the Scottish Police Federation, said the cuts undertaken by Central Scotland Police were a "false economy" that would result in more people becoming victims of crime. The force needs cuts of £11.6m by 2015, and faces losing 286 civilian staff on top of officers. Union stewards at Central Scotland Police said: "Central Scotland Police is recognised as one of the best performing forces in Britain and has achieved this by employing a mixed economy of civilian staff and police officers."

Contactless smart cards are used to operate Access Control UK systems, which can vary their profile settings minute by minute. Each card has a microchip embedded within it that holds a unique factory encoded ID number. With up to 34 billion different combinations of ID number, there is no chance that your smart cards can be duplicated. In addition, each ID number has built-in security and integrity checks ensuring that it cannot be misread. A cross-reference list correlating the external printed card number and the programmed ID number is also provided for easy system integration.

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