T3511 door controller has speech output announcing security breaches

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police spending reductionsThe Treasury Chief Secretary has hit back at comments by police force representatives about possible cuts resulting in forces being “devastated”, if they made the necessary spending reductions. Replying to this was Danny Alexander, who said: “Senior people in the police service should know better” than to make very public statements. He added: “I think people in general should take with a very big pinch of salt, statements made by lobby groups who are trying to protect their budgets in advance of the spending review.”

Using Access Control UK products, door and barrier security has never been simpler. A T3511 Door Access Controller can be linked to up to 128 other T3511’s. An access control network holds details on up to 10,000 smart card holders (the badge does not need to be removed from a wallet or purse to be used), and allows easy setup of badge holders and security patterns. The system fires off email warnings and alerts when there is a problem; and there is even a speech output announcing flagged arrivals and security breaches.

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