T2002 security network is ideal for small sites

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Co-Op store rob South Wales PoliceDetectives are keen to catch a robber wearing a scary mask who struck at a Co-Op store at 0040hrs last Monday. The man was wearing a yellow fluorescent jacket, tracksuit bottoms, rubber gloves and a blue scarf and beanie hat. Detective Sergeant Lloyd Williams, from South Wales Police, said: “We are hoping the public can help identify him by taking into account his clothing, the mask and the distinctive axe.” He added: “We know he was stood on Llantrisant Road near the entrance of the railway station for around 20 minutes before the incident wearing a yellow fluorescent jacket.”

Access Control UK is the first stop for businesses seeking to improve their security. If you have a small site like a standalone shop or office, and want the sophistication and speed of smart card control, but do not wish to use a PC, then the T2002 access set-up is for you. It is simple to programme and operate, easy to maintain, and has the capability of connecting with up to two Tensor T149x scanners to create a "stand alone" two-door system. The T2002 is ideal for remote barriers, and is perfect for a low profile security application.

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