Strong security partnerships help Police achieves impressive savings

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The strong and continued partnerships working between Police and private security firms has managed to help forces across the country reduce costs in the face of public sector budget cuts, said the the BSIA.

The British Security Industry Association (BSIA) posted a detailed comment as an answer to a report published earlier this week by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC). The report praises the police forces’ response to budget cuts but still raises concerns around the impact on neighbourhood policing.

Providing support services and performing back-office functions is a key way in which private security firms help to drive efficiency, said the BSIA. Indeed, many members of the BSIA already collaborate with police forces to provide a range of services, including here extensive site security, access control and visitor monitoring solutions.

Encouraging more police forces to consider further engagement with private security firms is key to enabling police forces to meet the ongoing demands they face from budget cuts.

Chief Executive of the BSIA, James Kelly, said: “It is not about creating a privatised police force, as many opponents of partnerships working would have us believe. In contrast, this is a case of private industry taking on support functions to aid the police in delivering the Government’s programme of reform.

“The security industry already contributes significantly to assisting the police and emergency services if called upon to do so, and the BSIA will continue to engage with police forces, PCCs and Parliamentarians through its dedicated public affairs programme, to ensure that political thinking remains open to this diverse and innovative approach.”

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