Shopping centre in Yorkshire to undergo major internal redevelopment

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The Meadowhall shopping centre in Yorkshire is set to undergo a major internal redevelopment over the next couple of years, a recent news report in the local media has been able to reveal.

The centre’s £50 million internal refurbishment is to begin autumn 2015 and is expected to be complete by the end of 2017.

As part of this project, distinct districts will be developed within the centre, each with a different finish including wood and punctured metal. The works will also enable a number of retailers to install double height shop fronts.

The refurbishment includes new way finding, mall seating and lighting as well as the installation of dramatic lighting artwork.

Claire Barber, Head of Shopping Centre Asset Management for British Land, said: "Across the retail portfolio, we are investing in our assets to ensure they reflect the way people shop today. The refurbishment of Meadowhall will reposition the centre to appeal to premium and lifestyle retailers as well as a broader range of customers. We are very excited about the future for Meadowhall and the experience this investment will create for both our customers and retailers."

Taking into account the size of the new development and the range of activities that will be carried out within, implementing a very solid and reliable access control system across the entire site is a must, especially for those specific areas where access should be restricted.

Access Control UK employs a variety of access control technologies in order to create advanced solutions, enable users to exert solid, reliable and accurate control over the access to specific premises or zones.

If you’d like to find out more about the range of solutions supplied by Access Control UK, both in terms of hardware (smart card readers, biometric readers, turnstiles, etc.) and software (access rights management software solutions, etc.), just contact us, we’ll be more than happy to answer any queries you might have.

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