Secure any size of premises with smart card operated entry points

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disrupt Tony Blair Leveson Inquiry Rupert Murdoch Corridors doors offices buildings Access Control UK smart card operated entry points T32xx access control unit individual security profile threat Questions are being asked as to how a protester got past security to disrupt Tony Blair’s evidence at the Leveson Inquiry. Shortly after noon on Monday the former Prime Minister – who was the day’s sole witness – was making testimony on his relationship with the chairman of News International, Rupert Murdoch, when it was interrupted. Lord Leveson was overheard asking how the protester managed to get into the courtroom, “through what is supposed to be a secure corridor”.

Corridors, doors, offices, buildings: Access Control UK has the solution to securing any size of premises with our smart card operated entry points. When a person attempts to pass through an access point, the T32xx access control unit compares the individual’s security profile with that of the access point. Security profiles are based upon the day, time of day, and the security threat level of the attempted access. An individual’s security profile is based upon their access group which can be adjusted to their department or status.

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