Plug and play biometric reader controls access to office computer networks

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clandestine hacking group Lulzsec UK Serious Organised Crime Agency security computer network in office T4251 Plug and Play biometric fingerprint reader Access Control UK files remain secureFive people are either under arrest or being sought who are members of a clandestine computer hacking group. Lulzsec has claimed responsibility for exposing security flaws in some of the world’s most high-profile systems. However many of the key figures have been arrested in a recent international swoop. Last year the organisation was held responsible for the website of the UK’s Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) being taken offline in an apparent ‘denial of service’ attack.

Worried about the security of the computer network in your office? The T4251 is a Plug and Play biometric time and attendance fingerprint reader from Access Control UK that provides the ultimate in security for your PC for about £109 plus VAT. The T4251 ensures that your files remain secure and is powered by state-of-the-art biometric technology that uses electromagnetic waves to read the fingerprint from below the skin’s surface layer. It plugs into your PC’s USB port and controls access to computers or to PC networks.

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