Pass production system improves visitor control in jails

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armed robber on the run raid shop licence breach Access Control UK Prison Pass production system improved security and visitor control check identity monitor movementsAn armed robber was on the run for three weeks before being put back into custody. Leon Passmore was jailed for six years for robbery and possession of an imitation gun after a raid on a betting shop in December 2008. The details of Passmore’s licence breach have not been made public. This is the second time he had gone missing on a May away-day as last year he absconded from prison and was on the run for a month.

A tried and tested Prison Pass production system for improved security and visitor control is available from Access Control UK. Prison Pass is a low cost, easy to install, computer based system for registering each visitor, both on and off site. It allows HM Prison Service Officers to quickly check the identity and monitor the movements of visitors. Separate databases are offered in the same package with separate structures to allow maximum speed, minimal storage and excellent reporting and checking facilities.

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