Organizations are moving away from passwords, adopting smart cards

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More and more organizations of any size and scope are moving away from simple password-protected systems and opting for smart card-based, more advanced solutions, industry leaders in this segment believe.

Smart card based systems tend to be more secure because an intruder would need to not only have the smart card, but the unique pin number that matches with that particular card. If and when an employee loses a smart card, the badge is deleted and disabled and the certificates will not come off the card, a representative for Gemalto revealed, as quoted by a news report on this matter.

On the other hand, although more secure, a smart-card based system poses other challenges. This type of access control system also includes a behavioral component that must be implemented effectively in order for it to work properly. The individual does have to keep track of the card. They must remove the card from the computer and have it with them at all times in order to enter and exit the facility and use certain equipment.

Access Control UK employs a variety of access control technologies in order to create advanced solutions, enable users to exert solid, reliable and accurate control over the access to specific premises or zones.

If you’d like to find out more about the range of solutions supplied by Access Control UK, both in terms of hardware (smart card readers, biometric readers, turnstiles, etc.) and software (access rights management software solutions, etc.), just contact us, we’ll be more than happy to answer any queries you might have.

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