New primary school to be built in Alconbury Weald development

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A new primary school is set to be built in the new Alconbury Weald development by Urban and Civic on behalf of the county council in Huntingdon, a recent news report has been able to reveal.

The £8.9 million single-storey Ermine Street Church Academy will become a part of a vibrant new community, as the whole project will include 5,000 new homes on the site of a former airfield.
The Y-shaped academy will comprise of three separate wings and contain 17 classrooms, with an additional six to be built during phase two of the project. The first phase of the school is due to open in September 2016 and will eventually accommodate 630 pupils following the second phase of its construction.
In addition, the building will be partially powered by photovoltaic solar panels and is on track to achieve a BREEAM ‘Very Good’ rating.
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