Medical instrument manufacturer Surgical Innovation (SI) looking for a new facility in Leeds

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After managing to secure a £5.05m financing package from the Regional Growth Fund, medical instrument manufacturer Surgical Innovation (SI) is now actively evaluating three sites near Leeds for the development of its new facility in the area.

As a news report on the matter has revealed, the future 58,000 sq ft facility will also incorporate a 10,000 sq ft clinical training centre and is expected to bring "significant operational efficiencies".
Designed to optimise SI’s production capabilities, the future facility’s clinical training centre will also act as a catalyst for innovation enabling international surgeons to develop best clinical practice in new areas of MIS (minimally invasive surgery), use and critique SI’s latest medical device technologies and allow SI to expand its development programme into new areas of MIS.
The centre will combine classic training methods of laparoscopic work stations with cadaveric and dissection facilities and a simulated operating room. It is envisaged that SI will develop one of the premier facilities in the UK that will support the growing demand for clinical training both from home and abroad.
Given the highly sensitive nature of this facility, it’s quite likely that a very solid access control system will have to be implemented throughout.
Access Control UK has an extensive level of experience in designing and delivering reliable, secure and affordable high-spec access control systems, capable of providing from one access control point to a multi-site network of scanners and clocks.
Our security and access restriction systems are easily operated by contactless smart cards, which means that access is granted / denied instantly. Furthermore, the systems can also work with physical security devices and have no limits in terms of the number of employees registered.
Additional extra features worth mentioning include two-factor authentication through biometrics, as well as the fast and easy integration with other systems. If you’d like to find out more about the access control systems developed by Access Control UK, just contact us, we’ll be sure to answer all of your questions and queries.

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