Kitchen furniture seller takes up new distribution hub in Gloucester

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Kitchen furniture business Direct Online Services has revealed plans to extend to a new 75,000 sq ft warehouse building in Gloucester, Unit A at Mill Place, for a new distribution hub.

According to a new article in the local media, the company employs more than 100 members of staff and has further plans for extension.

David Aubrey of Robert Hitchins, the landlord of the building taken up by Direct Online Services, said: "We are pleased to welcome Direct Online Services Ltd to Mill Place. The site’s convenient location makes Mill Place an ideal location for a variety of businesses."

Rob Holley of Alder King, who represented Robert Hitchins, added: "There is an imbalance between the level of demand and the availability of large industrial space across the region. This letting leaves the level of supply even more depleted.

"The encouraging news is that Gloucestershire has a good supply of sites capable of delivering high quality buildings on a design and build basis and we are now seeing developers securing pre-lets and pre-sales at sites, including another Robert Hitchins site at Stonehouse Park" he added.

Given the nature of the Direct Online Services’ business, installing a solid and reliable access control solution within their new distribution building should be something they seriously consider, and this is specifically where Access Control UK could help.

The flagship offering in our extensive lineup is represented by the Access Lite.NET/Enterprise.NET systems, capable of providing from one access control point to a multi-site network of scanners and clocks.

The systems are easily operated by contactless smart cards, which means that access is granted / denied instantly. Furthermore, the systems can also work with physical security devices and have no limits in terms of the number of employees registered.

Additional extra features worth mentioning include two-factor authentication through biometrics, as well as the fast and easy integration with other systems. If you’d like to find out more about the access control systems developed by Access Control UK, just contact us, we’ll be sure to answer all of your questions and queries.

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