High speed access clocking stations lock down a premises

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attempted raid sledgehammers shop robbers sentenced conspiracy Access Control UK T340x high speed access control clocking stations smart card premises location points hidden doorsTwo members of the public foiled an attempted raid. The plucky bystanders acted despite being threatened with sledgehammers during the failed robbery at a jewellery shop in Suffolk. Michael Graver (70) and Mark Baker (30) confronted the gang outside the premises. The two men managed to grab the bag of stolen items before the robbers left the scene last year. Three of the gang have just been sentenced to six years each for conspiracy to commit robbery.

Access Control UK offer the T340x series of high speed access control clocking stations that use smart card technology to scan your access control card which locks down your premises. By simply presenting your smart card to within 100mm to 150mm of the smart card scanner it is automatically read, even if the smart card is inside a wallet or purse. You can make full use of location points, whether in full view or hidden out of sight by mounting your scanner behind doors or in walls.

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