Global security market to record healthy growth over 2014, forecast reveals

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The global physical access control market is set to record a 7% increase over 2013 levels, research firm IHS Technology has predicted during a recent report.

The new report suggest that this specific market segment will reach an overall $3.4 billion. Additionally, for the video market, IHS Technology forecasts 12 percent global growth this year, with fixed-dome and 180/360-degree network cameras as the fastest growing categories.

“The trends that continue to drive this growth are end-user education, marketing and technological developments,” says Blake Kozak, IHS Technology Senior Analyst. “Increased adoption of wireless locks and Web-enabled panels continue to drive the market. Additionally, there has been a renewed look at open standards and more secure credentials such as Commercial Identity Verification cards.”

Access Control UK employs a variety of access control technologies in order to create advanced solutions, enable users to exert solid, reliable and accurate control over the access to specific premises or zones.

If you’d like to find out more about the range of solutions supplied by Access Control UK, both in terms of hardware (smart card readers, biometric readers, turnstiles, etc.) and software (access rights management software solutions, etc.), just contact us, we’ll be more than happy to answer any queries you might have.

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