Gain total control over who is allowed site access through any controlled point

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Operation After Dark criminals shorter days Access Control UK door and barrier access security systems allow and deny access to specific areas of site controlled point Police say reducing chances of becoming a victim of crime was by “following the crime prevention steps promoted through Operation After Dark." The force warned that criminals start to capitalise on the shorter days. This seasonal crime prevention message in parts of Scotland sees officers patrolling to reinforce the tips they are giving. Their After Dark advice include leaving a light on or setting timer switches to make your property look occupied and less inviting to a prospective thief.

Access Control UK door and barrier access security systems easily and accurately allow and deny access to specific areas of your site. Access Enterprise is our flagship access control system, and costs from £3,500 plus VAT. It provides total control over who is allowed access through any controlled point at any time of day. The system comprises of: Access Enterprise software installation CD, 50 Smart Cards, an Extensive User Manual, a Serial Cable for communications to PC and 30 days of free helpdesk support from date of purchase.

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