Durable site entry turnstiles come complete with full two-year guarantee

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heckler loo disrupt Special Branch threatening security cordon alarm Access Control UK devices deny entry turnstiles restrict toilet facilities smart card biometric site two-year guaranteeA heckler waited in a loo for an hour in order to disrupt a speech by David Cameron. The Liberal Democrat activist had to be tackled by a former rugby-playing Conservative aide before being detained by officers from Special Branch. Stuart Rodger admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by violating a security cordon, shouting and failing to desist, attempting to approach Mr Cameron and causing fear and alarm at the scene where the PM spoke at a hotel.

Access Control UK’s devices deny entry to virtually any location your organisation or firm can think of – our turnstiles even restrict access to toilet facilities! Our turnstiles fully integrate with our smart card and biometric access control systems, giving you full jurisdiction over movement and access in and around your site. Durable in design, all turnstiles supplied by Access Control UK come complete with a full two-year guarantee. Combined with smart cards, your system is able to allow or deny access almost immediately.

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