Door entry system has break glass to unlock from the inside in an emergency

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Environment gas leak fire appliances Access Control UK T3512 one door Smart Card system health and safety hardware software magnetic door release push button break glass Fire Roll Call emergencyThe Environment Agency (EA) sent officers as a precaution to advise the fire service when a tanker gas leak occurred. The EA said it was being treated as a safety incident, which was tackled by four fire appliances. Firefighters had to extend a cordon to 500m (1,641ft) downwind of the leak until the incident was brought under control within a few hours at Powys. A fire service spokesman confirmed: “The lorry tanker is leaking a large quantity of gas.”

Access Control UK offers the T3512 one door Smart Card Access Control system that includes health and safety hardware and software. It comprises a T3511 controller, WinACnet PC software, magnetic door release, push button, break glass and 10 Smart Cards. The T3512 includes a Fire Roll Call from fire panel input; early warning LEDs; and audible alerts. In a typical T3512 door entry configuration (Smart Card reader entry with push button exit) a break glass unlocks the door, from the inside, in an emergency.

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