CCTV footage of 25 frames per second helps secure your workplace

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Disabled People Brighton CCTVA report commissioned for Brighton and Hove City Council pushing for the adoption of CCTV inside all cabs in its area was welcomed by Geraldine Desmoulins, the chief officer at the Brighton and Hove Federation of Disabled People. She said: “CCTV would give us evidence to see if things were going wrong but would also be used for the protection of taxi drivers as well.” She continued: “We welcome this review. We know that wheelchair access is particularly low in the city when compared to other similar sized cities.”

Access Control UK’s leading range of smart card and biometric systems for both large and small companies include CCTV tracking options for protection of your site. Remote management of your CCTV network via LAN, WAN, or the internet is possible through the CCTV software supplied by us. Historical footage can be viewed remotely, and DVR setup parameters can be configured. Footage can be captured at a rate of up to 25 frames per second – the same rate as that of the PAL standard for commercial video playback.

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