Building access system can control up to 128 doors from one PC

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church stainless steel roof thwart criminals Access Control UK contactless smart card operated systems control up to 128 doors from one PC A church has been allowed to install a stainless steel roof in order to thwart criminals. St Nicholas’ Church, in Lincolnshire is one of the first to replace a major section of the roof with the non-traditional material, after it suffered thefts. Father Paul Noble, the vicar at St Nicholas’, said: “We started to think we were foolish in the extreme to think we could put lead back on the church roof when that was the reason for the church being targeted.”

To stop your building being targeted by thieves, Access Control UK has smart card operated door Access Control systems for all budgets. Single door access control linked together can control up to 128 doors from one PC using the latest .NET software. Up to 10,000 smart card holders can be stored on one system, and the beauty of our contactless smart card regime is that the badge does not need to be removed from a wallet or purse to be used.

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