Automatic bollards limit vehicle access to a location and can be linked to smart cards

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troops Olympics security secretary of state for sport G4S guards Access Control UK unauthorised personnel Automatic bollards limit vehicle access smart card set into road surfaceThe government confirmed today (Tuesday) it will deploy 1,200 more troops to step up Olympics security. Jeremy Hunt, secretary of state for sport, said the troops will join some 3,500 of the armed forces already guarding Olympic venues. The minister said: “On the eve of the largest peacetime event ever staged in this country, ministers are clear that we should leave nothing to chance.” The security arrangements will make up for private firm G4S’s failure to contract enough guards.

Access Control UK help step up security at your firm so that unauthorised personnel cannot enter. Automatic bollards limit vehicle access to a specific location and can easily be lowered when passage is authorised, typically within 2-3 seconds. An access control device, such as a smart card, can be combined with your automatic bollards, enabling quick and easy access via the post. Automatic bollards are highly resistant to impact and atmospheric elements, and are housed inside compartments set into the road surface.

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