Automatic bollards limit vehicle access at restricted facilities and depots

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stolen depot lorry yard crime police automatic bollards Access Control UK control access to private roads restricted parking facilities emergency routes limit access stop the majority of vehiclesA heavy fibreglass tank, which weighed about 180kg, was stolen from a depot between 12pm on Saturday, September 1 and 7.30am on Monday, September 4. The tank was taken from a lorry at a Cambs yard which offenders broke through a hedge to access. PCSO Rachael Cheverton said of the crime: “It is likely to have required at least two people. I would urge anyone who saw the tank being stolen or knows where it is now to call police.”

Tried and tested in a range of environments, automatic bollards from Access Control UK are a trusted way to control access to private roads, residential developments, restricted parking facilities and emergency routes. The automatic bollards limit vehicle access to a specific location and can easily be lowered when passage is authorised. They can be chosen by your depot’s management to be constructed out of concrete, stainless steel, aluminium or cast iron, and designed to completely stop the majority of vehicles.

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