Automatic bollards control restricted facilities and routes at a site

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Police number plate thefts Crime Access Control UK security at parking facilities outdoor areas site Automatic Bollards limit vehicle access control restricted emergency routes resistance to impactsPolice have paired up with a famous motoring accessory chain of shops to offer free fitting of anti-theft devices to stem the rate of number plate thefts. The initiative has been launched following an increased number of stolen number plates. Crimes committed following the theft of a number plate can include not paying for fuel. Halfords is using extra staff who will fit the correct screws depending on the make and model of the car.

Access Control UK has a solution to stepping up security at parking facilities and other outdoor areas of your site. Automatic Bollards limit vehicle access to a specific location, and can easily be lowered when passage is authorised, typically within about two seconds. Tried and tested in a range of environments, automatic bollards are a trusted way to control access to private roads, residential developments, restricted parking facilities and emergency routes. They feature exceptional resistance to impacts, and are failsafe in both the retracted and extended positions.

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