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Author Archives: tensor_accesscontrol

  1. Step up security at public toilets with turnstiles

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    turnstile toilet bombA sanitation worker received a shock when she serviced a portable toilet, finding what looked like a home-made bomb. The worker made the discovery about 9am at a Tacoma Public Utilities transfer station in America. Police set up a safety zone and evacuated a handful of nearby business and a small apartment complex before disabling the device. Detectives were following up to see where the explosive came from and how long it had been in the toilet.

    Installing an Access Control UK toilet turnstile will step up security and safety at a public toilet. As well as lockable lids to prevent unwanted access, high security options are available. The coin mechanism can be programmed for virtually any combination of coins with a secure cash box to hold the coins. The separate coin box can be mounted either in front of the turnstile, at the side or alternatively can be wall mounted with the cash box at the rear. The turnstiles are made from 304 or 316 grade stainless steel and are duty cycle rated for intensive use.

  2. Unbeatable combined security and time and attendance system

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    voluntary redundancy terms to police officers Critics have suggested that a new cost-cutting proposal to present voluntary redundancy terms to police officers is unfairly targeting those who have been injured in the line of duty. And some fear it could force injured officers, scared of losing their jobs, back on to the streets before they are ready. The National Disabled Police Association (NDPA) said that any plan to force out injured officers could fall foul of disability legislation and promised to fight any move.

    This story highlights two issues – how organisations or companies can survive in these budget-squeezed times, and what implications police cuts have for their effectiveness in tackling crime. Access Control UK solves both problems by offering a complete combined security and smart card time and attendance system including European Working Time Directive checking and reporting, ensuring that your company remains compliant with both regional and national legislation while controlling overheads. Biometric fingerprint readers or a CCTV surveillance camera and recording network are able to be grafted onto your modular system for top security, while the whole set-up prevents unauthorised access to your site.

  3. Security network operates even during power failures

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    BT theftsTheft incidents from British Telecom sites rose almost ten per cent last year owing to the demand for copper, meaning that the BT wiring network was highly prized by criminal gangs. BT’s Openreach Division fought back by employing SmartWater, a clear solution which forensically tags thieves’ skin, therefor the police can easily trace them.

    To come up with another solution to securing vulnerable depots or sites, an Access Control UK system using smart card technology controls almost any other electronic mechanism that powers a physical security device. Beginning with the control of a single door, your system can expand upwards to create a large access control network covering a single building or multiple sites. It is a simple to use, highly secure way of tackling the problem of keeping access to areas or buildings under control, as well as monitoring who is present. In addition, the system comes complete with advanced fail-safe features enabling it to operate even during power failure or in an emergency situation.

    Real-time monitoring of doors left open, diagrammatically illustrated on an overlay plan of your actual site, are among the many other features.

  4. Create a wide range of access control profiles

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    charges carparkFurious shoppers have hit out at fees introduced at a town centre car park. Beginning last month, people using the Bay View centre car park in Wales had to pay to use the upper short-stay car park for more than two hours, or the long-stay car park for more than three hours. The Colwyn Bay shoppers say this is a ‘double whammy’ with the parking restrictions that were put in place by the council in February this year, so they may now head out of the town centre.

    Access Control UK provide a host of outdoor access control methods to ensure your parking site facilities are problem free, and promote quick and secure throughput. A wide range of access control profiles can be created; and our barriers, gates and shutter doors are operated by a contactless smart card system that permits access to those who are authorised, while barring intruders. The cards are slim, durable and allow access in a quarter of a second because they are not swiped – just presented at the access point.

  5. Access control system controls barriers and CCTV

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    crime on public transport The cost to society of crime on public transport reaches more than a billion pounds per year, according to the latest government figures. On rail, light rail and London Underground alone the total cost of crime amounted to £925million. British Transport Police Deputy Chief Constable Paul Crowther said crime on the rail network had been reduced by 20% since the report was completed. He said: “Passengers and staff on the rail network are safer than ever, with crime against individual passengers and staff down by nearly 30% and robbery down by 65%.”

    All corporations and organisations in their fight to deter crime would benefit from an access control system from Access Control UK, as it can control most standard types of internal and external electronic door locks and releases. From companies with fewer than 250 personnel to large multinationals, your access control system provides you with state-of-the-art security protection. Sensitive or dangerous areas can be easily denied to those who do not have the appropriate security clearance. We supply smart cards to operate the systems, which can be linked to your existing barrier and CCTV devices.

  6. Smart cards cannot be used by more than one person

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    burglaries top 10 UK London, Burnley and Manchester head the chart of the top ten areas affected most by burglary in the UK. London has 46.35 burglaries per 1000 people, a statistic which is almost double that of runner-up Burnley, which has 24.63, while Manchester has 23.76. The rest of the top ten by local authority is: Nottingham, Bristol, Reading, Leeds, North East Lincolnshire, Ashfield, and in tenth position Kingston upon Hull.

    Although this category of crime has decreased in the past year it is worth investing in a quality security product from Access Control UK to prevent you from becoming a victim. CCTV cameras and networks are available to protect homes and businesses. For large or small companies and organisations, our system using smart cards in order to gain access is an ideal solution. Door/barrier access can be limited depending on the persons’ roll call status. The modular set up has a staggering array of options. Doors may be configured to open automatically on fire alarms and lock automatically on burglar alarms. An anti pass back facility limits the same card being used by more than one person.

  7. T351x range is best door security pound for pound

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    terroristShadow home secretary Alan Johnson has hit back at comments by Britain’s most senior anti-terror officer John Yates, who said predicted 25% cuts in police spending increase the risk of attack. Labour’s Mr Johnson said they were a sign that “this government doesn’t consider policing and counter-terrorism as a priority”. He warned: “You will diminish the number of police officers.” At a time when the UK was on “severe alert” of a terror attack, the “public now understand that their streets will be less safe if these measures are introduced.”

    Access Control UK excels in scanning units which restrict unauthorised personnel, thus making your business much more safe and secure. The T351x range is the ultimate smart card Access Control unit for doors, car park barriers and turnstiles, which represents the best door access security you can buy for the money. Installing a T3510 Scanner Controller provides a platform for installing other Tensor products such as Time & Attendance, Visitor Monitoring, Automatic Number Plate recognition and Digital CCTV. A Scanner Controller can support multiple access control points with connections to alarms or tamper inputs.

  8. T1481 access control scanner secures car parking

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    Car theftsThose possessing expensive cars are advised to be on the alert because thieves are targeting them – BMW and Mercedes are especially sought after. There have been instances over the summer when burglars force entry into homes and grab the car keys before driving off. In the hot weather it is easy for any building, whether office or domestic, to have its security compromised by people leaving windows and doors wide open. Detectives are urging people to take simple steps to prevent the car thefts. They should make sure their property or site is secured, especially at night.

    Access Control UK can give you car parking security satisfaction with the T1481 access control scanner, which is supplied ready to install and can operate across a cable or Ethernet network. The scanners, which are operated via quick-to-use smart cards, can also be mounted next to your barriers or turnstiles enabling you to quickly set up a vehicle access security network. They have high quality gloss finish, impact-resistant casing, similar dimensions to a standard light switch, and compact design (see the example in the picture).

  9. Access control software issues warnings through your PA system

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    CPS budget cutsThe Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has told the attorney general’s office its budget cut by a quarter will "damage frontline services" and "delay and possibly deny justice", according to a copy of its draft submission to the Treasury. The Guardian newspaper revealed that the CPS also says the ‘indicative’ 40% reduction the chancellor, George Osborne, is demanding of every Whitehall department would mean "a fundamental change in the government policy on prosecution of criminal offences" if the CPS were not to be in breach of its statutory obligations.

    The CPS suggests the cuts in public services and police will have an adverse effect on fighting crime, hence using Access Control UK would be the smart choice. We are leading providers of smart card and biometric systems for both large and small companies. Our systems are versatile: starting from a simple one-clock access control point which controls up to four doors, extra clocking scanners can be added at any stage. The clocking stations use ingenious smart card technology; and the Windows™ based software includes speech annunciation of warnings through your PA system if there are intruders.

  10. Modular card scanning technology announces security breaches

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    robbery access controlThe ringleaders of a large gang carrying out robberies amounting to a quarter of a million pounds have just been jailed. Patrick Smeda and Carlos Corlett were joined by four accomplices who targeted a long list of shops and stores in the West Country and Wales. Corlett, 31, and Smeda, 26, were sentenced to 15 and 14 years respectively. The group burgled convenience stores and houses and conspired to steal cars and licence plates to be used in the robberies.

    Access Control UK has a raft of different technologies to combat intruders, beginning with Access Control smart card and biometric security scanning systems and software to protect all manner and size of premises. The basic one to four door Access Control set-up can control up to 128 doors from one PC and holds details on up to 10,000 Smart Card holders. Among the many features of the software (pictured is an example) is an output announcing flagged arrivals and security breaches. The modular technology can be integrated with surveillance cameras or other electronic barrier devices, which are all controlled through the same system.

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