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Author Archives: tensor_accesscontrol

  1. Plug and play biometric reader controls access to office computer networks

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    clandestine hacking group Lulzsec UK Serious Organised Crime Agency security computer network in office T4251 Plug and Play biometric fingerprint reader Access Control UK files remain secureFive people are either under arrest or being sought who are members of a clandestine computer hacking group. Lulzsec has claimed responsibility for exposing security flaws in some of the world’s most high-profile systems. However many of the key figures have been arrested in a recent international swoop. Last year the organisation was held responsible for the website of the UK’s Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) being taken offline in an apparent ‘denial of service’ attack.

    Worried about the security of the computer network in your office? The T4251 is a Plug and Play biometric time and attendance fingerprint reader from Access Control UK that provides the ultimate in security for your PC for about £109 plus VAT. The T4251 ensures that your files remain secure and is powered by state-of-the-art biometric technology that uses electromagnetic waves to read the fingerprint from below the skin’s surface layer. It plugs into your PC’s USB port and controls access to computers or to PC networks.

  2. Double access turnstiles allow extra throughput in busy areas

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    West Country council officials save public toilet costs Access Control UK barrier and turnstile systems exclude trespassers staff safe means of entering premises Double half height turnstiles allowing double throughput in busy areasBusinesses could be asked to take part in a scheme which rewards sharing amenities. West Country council officials are looking into this because they want to save on public toilet costs because a contract to look after them is now under review. The participating businesses may include pubs, restaurants and cafes. A spokesperson for Mendip District Council said: “We are looking at the future provision of public toilets; our current contract will come to an end in 2014.”

    Access Control UK can install barrier and turnstile systems that exclude trespassers while giving your staff a safe and secure means of entering your premises. All of our turnstiles are supplied complete with a two year warranty, and with integrated payment systems they offer a fantastic way to control access alongside a hardwearing and stylish finish. As such they are ideal for high-status locations as well as public areas. Double half height turnstiles are available, allowing you to double your throughput in busy areas.

  3. Full colour site surveillance cameras produce clear pictures in differing light ranges

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    private firm will run police station business Digital CCTV security system Access Control UK access control visitor monitoring equipment colour CCD sensors full colour cameras producing clear pictures.In an agreement which is thought to be the first of its kind in the UK, a private firm will run a Lincolnshire police station. The station will be built by the firm G4S and as part of the deal, most of the staff employed by the force would be transferred to the private sector. BBC home affairs correspondent Danny Shaw commented that it was arguably the most radical solution to police forces coping with budget cuts.

    As there are more methods available to monitor movement and access within a specific area, has your business tried a Digital CCTV security system from Access Control UK? It works extremely well as a standalone, and can also be fully integrated with any previously installed access control or visitor monitoring equipment. Our models of CCTV camera have colour CCD sensors, so footage will always be recorded in full colour. We also provide cameras with a range of facilities to cater for differing light range or colours, thus always producing clear pictures.

  4. Affordable PC networked access security system for all businesses

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    Protesters British Gas Surrey Police T3511 Low Cost 1 Scanner Controller Access Control UK controlling entry to your premises affordable businesses security systemProtesters who entered British Gas HQ left because they said they felt “threatened”. The group, who were complaining about high fuel prices, handed out leaflets to employees at the Staines depot. Surrey Police and British Gas said they had worked together to ensure the safety of workers and the public. On Twitter, one of the group posted: “Decided to leave on our own terms following threatening police presence. Let’s hope this is only the beginning of challenging the big six!”

    The T3511 Low Cost 1 Scanner Controller from Access Control UK makes controlling entry to your premises affordable for all businesses. Connected to a PC or PC network the T3511 suddenly becomes the embryo of a fully computerised Access Control and security system. The plug and play features allow up to two Smart Card scanners, one door lock and other security equipment to be controlled by the WinACnet software. This latest .NET software also stores information such as calendars and photographs if required.

  5. Indoor and outdoor half height turnstiles most effective for low security areas

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    toilets damage graffiti Access Control UK barrier and turnstile entry at commercial or public premises Half height turnstiles controlling access reception areas low security areasContinued use of beach toilets is uncertain due to the amount of damage and graffiti on the walls of the building. This was the view of the Community Council of Stonehaven in Aberdeenshire, which had to close the conveniences a month early as the writing on the walls was so bad it was not suitable for families viewing it. As well as graffiti on the outside in black marker pen, there was interior damage to the cubicle walls.

    Access Control UK stocks a number of different barrier and turnstile styles for entry by either members of the public or for staff at commercial or public premises. Half height turnstiles are ideal for controlling access in environments such as reception areas, toilets, and libraries. They are a customer-friendly option and provide an unobtrusive method of controlling flow to certain areas of your premises. Half height turnstiles can be installed for both indoor and outdoor use and are most effective for low security areas.

  6. Contactless smart cards with bespoke labels help firms fight crime

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    Petty theft firms crime businesses Access Control UK Smart Card based Access Control Systems. Contactless cards scanners consistent read range bespoke label photograph of employeePetty theft is a bugbear to four in five firms who were surveyed and this turned out to be their biggest problem, according to research done by an insurance company. The cost of crime overall to large businesses across the UK was an average of £40,000 in 2011, with an expectation it will rise to £62,000 this year. As government figures this week confirmed that unemployment is rising, that may explain the gloomy predictions picked up by researchers RSA.

    Access Control UK can help your firm fight crime with our Smart Card based Access Control Systems. Contactless cards or key fobs are used to operate your system. Reliable RF (radio frequency) technology is used to power your access control scanners guaranteeing a consistent read range. Each smart card is assigned to an individual employee and can be affixed with a bespoke label denoting the name and photograph of the employee along with any other details you wish to have printed.

  7. Impact resistant automatic bollards limit vehicle access to a specific location

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    surgeon condemned cable thieves hit three hospitals Access Control UK exterior and interior security devices prevent thieves accessing premises Automatic bollards limit vehicle accessA surgeon has condemned heartless cable thieves whose actions hit the work of three hospitals. Consultant surgeon Dougie Russell said he could not access the X-rays he needed after hospital computer systems were disabled by an incident in Swansea which necessitated the switch to a back-up system. Dr Russell said it had a “direct effect on NHS services”. For ease of access, hospital X-ray images are now computerised – however when communication lines are hit, broadband speeds are affected.

    Access Control UK stocks many exterior and interior security devices that can prevent thieves from accessing your premises. Automatic bollards limit vehicle access to a specific location and can easily be lowered when passage is authorised, typically within two to three seconds. Constructed out of concrete, stainless steel, aluminium or cast iron, the automatic bollards are constructed to completely stop the majority of vehicles. Automatic bollards are highly resistant to impact and atmospheric elements, and are housed inside compartments set into the road surface.

  8. Camera monitoring equipment can be added to building smart card security

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    district council CCTV Camera monitoring equipment to detect movement building Smart Card security systems Access Control UK individual’s security profileMore than 300 people were arrested or fined during 2011 in just one area served by a district council thanks to CCTV cameras. Those caught due to the 24-hour surveillance provided by CCTV include illegal immigrants and those involved in criminal damage. Because of the swift action taken by Fenland District Council’s CCTV team this led directly to 257 arrests and 124 other offenders being fined. The district is served by a network of 66 cameras.

    Camera monitoring equipment to detect movement within a building can be added to the Smart Card security systems provided by Access Control UK. When a person attempts to pass through an access point, the T32xx access control unit compares the individual’s security profile with that of the access point. Security profiles are based upon the day, time of day, and the security threat level of the attempted access. The security status of each access point is controlled by the smart card scanner settings associated to that particular access point.

  9. Versatile office door controllers can be networked together under a PC

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    break-in stole a tractor Access Control UK office door control computer controlled networks and movement audits T3511 Door Access Controller networked together four doors controller securityThieves staged a break-in and stole a tractor, but abandoned it in a ditch after it failed to start. The offenders forced their way into a storage unit at a sporting club house in Cambridgeshire, between 4pm on Friday (January 27) and 7am the following day. Other grass cutting equipment was damaged during the incident. Anyone with any information should call the charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800-555-111.

    Access Control UK offers many ways to manage office door control including computer controlled networks and movement audits. The T3511 Door Access Controller is very versatile. T3511s can be networked together with other T3511s, the four doors controller (T3510) or other larger door controllers or Time & Attendance equipment to create a powerful PC controlled security infrastructure. The T3511 is the ideal way to start off small, but to have the flexibility to grow at a later date; so much better than installing a door controller that only operates as a ‘stand alone’ unit with no future expansion capability.

  10. Sophisticated software detects forced entries at a site

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    policing cost clearing travellers’ site Dale Farm Department for Communities and Local Government sophisticated software for monitoring access patterns alarm status detecting forced entries Access Lite The Home Office had pledged to pay up to £4.65 million, or half of the policing cost, of clearing a notorious travellers’ site. The Department for Communities and Local Government had also weighed in with £1.2 million towards evicting illegal incumbents at Dale Farm, near Basildon. The remaining contribution will come from policing and council budgets. The total forecast for the operation spiralled up to about £18 million but local sources suggested the final cost would be £4.2m.

    If your organisation is seeking improved protection for your site then Access Control UK is at the forefront of secure, reliable access control systems. Access Lite is our entry-level access control system, and costs only around £1,250 plus VAT. It includes sophisticated software for monitoring access patterns, alarm status, and detecting forced entries. It comprises: Access Lite software installation CD, 50 Smart Cards, an extensive User Manual, Serial Cable for communications to PC and 30 days of free helpdesk support from date of purchase.

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