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Author Archives: tensor_accesscontrol

  1. Door entry system has break glass to unlock from the inside in an emergency

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    Environment gas leak fire appliances Access Control UK T3512 one door Smart Card system health and safety hardware software magnetic door release push button break glass Fire Roll Call emergencyThe Environment Agency (EA) sent officers as a precaution to advise the fire service when a tanker gas leak occurred. The EA said it was being treated as a safety incident, which was tackled by four fire appliances. Firefighters had to extend a cordon to 500m (1,641ft) downwind of the leak until the incident was brought under control within a few hours at Powys. A fire service spokesman confirmed: “The lorry tanker is leaking a large quantity of gas.”

    Access Control UK offers the T3512 one door Smart Card Access Control system that includes health and safety hardware and software. It comprises a T3511 controller, WinACnet PC software, magnetic door release, push button, break glass and 10 Smart Cards. The T3512 includes a Fire Roll Call from fire panel input; early warning LEDs; and audible alerts. In a typical T3512 door entry configuration (Smart Card reader entry with push button exit) a break glass unlocks the door, from the inside, in an emergency.

  2. Automatic barriers to bar access can be fitted to different road widths

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    farming stolen generator Access Control UK bars access to properties gates unauthorised automatic car park barriers different lengths to suit various road widthsThe local farming community and members of the public are being asked to report any sightings of a distinctive stolen generator, including any appearances at local auctions. The diesel generator was taken from a field in Canterbury. The orange and white Argen Hilta DC generator is reported to have been stolen at some period between 4.45pm on Thursday, November 8, and 8.30am the following day.

    Access Control UK supplies technology which bars access to properties. The key role of our gates and barriers is to prevent unauthorised access whilst providing minimum inconvenience to those who do have authorised access to your site. Suitable for both large and small premises, car park barriers are highly adaptable, can work in any weather, and are able to immediately recognise authorised personnel. All automatic car park barriers are supplied complete and are ready to accept power and data connections. Boom arms are available in a number of different lengths to suit various road widths.

  3. Automatic bollards limit vehicle access to a specific location

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    protocols locks changed broke into Tower of London stole keys Automatic bollards exterior security devices Access Control UK limit vehicle access passage authorised smart cardSecurity protocols have been re-examined at one of Britain’s most historic landmarks. The locks have now been changed after a person broke into the Tower of London and stole a set of its keys. A statement from the Tower said: “It would not have been possible to gain access to the Tower with any of these keys. All affected locks were immediately changed.” The representative also said an internal investigation found that “our well-established security systems and procedures are robust”.

    Automatic bollards – one of many exterior security devices from Access Control UK – limit vehicle access to a specific location and can easily be lowered when passage is authorised, typically within two to three seconds. Constructed out of concrete, stainless steel, aluminium or cast iron, the automatic bollards are constructed to completely stop the majority of vehicles. An access control device, such as a smart card, can be combined with your bollards, enabling quick and easy raising and lowering of the post.

  4. Durable site entry turnstiles come complete with full two-year guarantee

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    heckler loo disrupt Special Branch threatening security cordon alarm Access Control UK devices deny entry turnstiles restrict toilet facilities smart card biometric site two-year guaranteeA heckler waited in a loo for an hour in order to disrupt a speech by David Cameron. The Liberal Democrat activist had to be tackled by a former rugby-playing Conservative aide before being detained by officers from Special Branch. Stuart Rodger admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by violating a security cordon, shouting and failing to desist, attempting to approach Mr Cameron and causing fear and alarm at the scene where the PM spoke at a hotel.

    Access Control UK’s devices deny entry to virtually any location your organisation or firm can think of – our turnstiles even restrict access to toilet facilities! Our turnstiles fully integrate with our smart card and biometric access control systems, giving you full jurisdiction over movement and access in and around your site. Durable in design, all turnstiles supplied by Access Control UK come complete with a full two-year guarantee. Combined with smart cards, your system is able to allow or deny access almost immediately.

  5. Building access fobs read in under ½ second even if covered in oil and grease

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    shop held up firearm perpetrators Detectives Contactless key fobs Access Control UK building entry system no onboard battery read infinite number of times in under ½ second covered in oil greaseA bookmakers shop was held up with what was believed to be a firearm. The perpetrators escaped with a three-figure sum of money after the incident that happened at around 7.20pm on Monday, October 22. No weapon was discharged on the suspected armed raid in Paisley, Scotland, but a 37-year-old male manager and a 21-year-old female assistant were left shaken. Detectives are calling for the public’s help with the crime.

    Contactless key fobs are one of the access aids used to operate your Access Control UK building entry system. They give a constant read range and are unaffected by most external conditions. They contain no onboard battery, so theoretically, each fob has an infinite life and can be read an infinite number of times. When placed within range of your access control scanner, the key fob will be read in under ½ second, even if it is covered in oil and grease. This ensures quick scanning times and allows for fast throughput of staff.

  6. Yard turnstile governs who is allowed in through any controlled point

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    police Operation Tornado stolen rogue scrap thieves breaking into a yard premises Access Control UK gates barriers smart card fingerprint scanning Full height turnstiles improved security controlled pointA police force has become the latest to adopt the national scheme Operation Tornado to fight the tide of stolen metal. West Midlands Police is joining the crackdown on rogue scrap dealers and thieves. Metal dealers throughout the region, like many others, will be asking anyone trying to sell goods for photo identification. The order comes as yet another man was handed a suspended sentence for breaking into a yard offices and carrying off with him some £60 worth of copper.

    Prevent material from being taken at your yard or premises with Access Control UK devices and systems. These include gates, barriers, and turnstiles which can be added to our smart card and fingerprint scanning access control systems. Full height turnstiles offer improved security. Without compromising the safety of those who use the turnstile, speed and reliability are provided even during rush hour periods. The turnstile system gives full control over who is allowed access through any controlled point at any time of the day.

  7. Shops can install low cost access control for a single door

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    robber worker injuries suspect Police Shops stores retail facilities low cost Access Control UK Smart Card unit for doors car park barriers turnstiles security door accessA robber opened fire in a shop, damaging products, but fortunately no one was seriously hurt. The shop worker, a male, was left with minor head injuries when bottles were broken. The suspect is described as a white male and about 6ft tall. He was wearing a grey ‘hoodie’ top, dark tracksuit bottoms and a grey ski mask. Police officers were called to the store at about 20:30 BST on Friday and since then an arrest has been made.

    Shops, stores and retail facilities can install low cost access control from Access Control UK. The T351x range is the ultimate Smart Card Access Control unit for doors, car park barriers and turnstiles. The T351x range achieves the same standard of security throughout, whether it’s a single door up to a four door system controller. It starts from a price of just £119 for the controller and software, which represents the best door access security you can buy for the money.

  8. Visitors to a facility can be pre-booked through online Appointment Planner

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    Olympic prison fraud police fraudster Gatehouse staff check ID Visitor Management System Access Control gain access facility false passes documents pre-booked online Appointment PlannerA man who took unsuspecting Olympic punters’ money up front has been put in prison. A sum of about 510,500 euro (£411,889) was estimated to be hauled in by the fraud perpetrated by Christakis Ioannou that affected parents of international athletes, police said. He offered for sale unlimited numbers of tickets for all Olympic events. He was arrested when visiting the UK, and police commented: “Ioannou was the first fraudster of this type we identified and the biggest.”

    Gatehouse staff can easily check the ID of visitors using a low-cost PC Visitor Management System (VMS) from Access Control UK so that no one can gain access to your facility using false passes or documents. VMS can print different styles of pass documentation depending on the type of visitor or contractor. These can be produced in advance of a scheduled appointment or impromptu on arrival. Visitor appointments can be pre-booked either directly on the system or through the online Appointment Planner.

  9. Software can maintain control of locks across a multi site network

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    thefts retail outlets crime commercial gangs stolen Software Access Control UK highly secure way of controlling access to areas buildings monitoring doors barriers locks multi site biometric alarmsThe number of thefts at retail outlets is at staggeringly more than one every minute. That is one of the findings of the Retail Crime Survey 2011, which has charted how crime affects commercial concerns. The overall cost of retail crime has spiralled to £1.4 billion as the sector is increasingly targeted by serious, organised gangs. This figure includes the sum retailers spend on preventing and tackling crime in addition to the value of goods stolen and damage done.

    Software from Access Control UK is combined with our hardware so that your retail premises will receive a simple to use, highly secure way of controlling access to areas or buildings, as well as monitoring who is present 24 hours a day. The Access suite of software can maintain control of doors, barriers and locks across a single or multi site network and can combine biometric access control with smart cards if required. The network hooks up to security devices like alarms.

  10. Premises covered by continuous high quality camera footage without degradation

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    CCTV cameras toilets in school Easter CCTV security options premises Digital Recording Systems Access Control UK continuous high quality recording for days without the risk of degradationA teacher has hit back at “inaccurate” claims about the use of CCTV cameras in his school. The Lancashire school has been named as one of 207 in the UK using CCTV cameras in the toilets or changing rooms by a campaign group. Head of Blessed Trinity, Richard Varey, said: “The report is inaccurate. There are 32 cameras in school. There are none in toilets or changing rooms.” He added that the cameras have not been viewed at the school since after Easter.

    There are many CCTV security options for your premises, including Digital Recording Systems, available from Access Control UK. Our range of CCTV DVRs comprises of tried and tested equipment that meets strict requirements both for usability and durability. The DVRs allow continuous high quality digital CCTV recording for days and weeks at a time, and can store footage for a number of cameras present on your network without the risk of degradation. Contact us for more details on DVRs.

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