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  1. Improve Business Security with an Access Control System

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    Our range of access control systems will undoubtedly enhance your business’ security measures and help to prevent your premises from theft and trespassing incidents. 

    With statistics from the Crime Against Businesses report on the Gov.uk website to express the rising crime rates for businesses within the UK, this article demonstrates how our access control systems can combat these crime rates and ensure the ultimate level of security for your business.  

    The 2021 Commercial Victimisation Survey (CVS) estimated that 38% of business premises in the Wholesale and retail sector in England and Wales had been a victim of crime between April 2020 and March 2021. This is similar to the 2018 prevalence rate (40%), though lower than the 2012 prevalence rate (53%).

    The most common type of crime experienced by premises in the sector was theft (27%), followed by assaults or threats (12%) and burglary (10%).

    Access Control Systems Improve Business Security

    Access Control, including Smart Card Access Control or Biometric Access Control, has the ability to combat these high theft percentages of recent times. Not only do Access Control Readers help to reduce crime rates and improve the overall security of your business, but they also give you peace-of-mind that both your employees and assets are safe.  

    Smart Card Access Control Readers

    Contactless Access Control is an effective and streamlined method of ensuring only authorised personnel are granted access to and from your building at all times. With the use of Smart Cards, and our advanced smart card radio frequency reading technology, allows users to hold their smart card close to the reader to gain access or egress without actually touching the reader. 

    Of course, only delegated individuals can have their smart cards programmed to gain access into specific areas. Should an employee leave or change locations, the smart card can be handed in and reallocated to another employee with that person’s specific access requirements. 

    Biometric Access Control Systems

    Biometric Access Control is the modern and technologically advanced way of keeping your business’ assets secure as well as ensuring employees are safe in the workplace. 

    Using a Biometric Access Control System takes your security measures to the next level. This is because it is virtually impossible for employees to share access using their facial features or fingerprints, whereas with smart card access control, it is easier to share smart cards around. Not only this, but smart cards can also be lost or stolen, and fingerprints cannot. This is why Biometric access control, such as Facial Recognition Access Control and fingerprint access control gives your business that extra layer of security.

    If you would like further information regarding any of our Access Control Security Systems, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our staff who will be happy to help.  

  2. Smart Card Access Control Readers For Businesses

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    Having the ability to protect your business’ assets and remain in control over who is granted access into specific areas within your building is vitally important for business owners. An access control system can give you the peace of mind that your business is safe and secure.

    According to the Office for National Statistics, theft was the most common crime throughout 2021 and is likely to retain the number 1 spot for 2022 too. This article explains how our access control system can help your business to combat the high rates of theft and ensure a safe and secure workplace.

    Smart Card Readers & Clocking Systems

    Our impressive range of access control systems, including smart card readers and biometric access control, can undoubtedly enhance business security 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Providing a safe environment for employees and enhanced security for employers, access control readers typically sit at the entrance and exit of a building, as well as on the wall next to an access controlled door. With our access control software (explained below), an employee can have their smart card programmed to only be granted access into the rooms/areas that they are obliged to do so.

    Advanced Access Control Software for Maximum Security

    An extensive range of equipment, devices and releases can be connected to your security network, which can be operated through our access control software. These include alarms and hooters, break glass buttons, door locks, door release buttons, electro-magnetic locks, fingerprint readers, CCTV cameras and access control scanners. 

    Our access control software is designed for all shapes and sizes of businesses. For businesses just starting out, or for companies employing less than 50 people, our Start edition is the perfect solution for you. We then offer the Lite edition for companies with 250 or fewer employees. The Business edition and the Enterprise edition are also on offer for large scale businesses looking to secure multiple sites and multiple businesses. 

    CCTV and Time & Attendance Integration

    Our access control system can be fully integrated with a range of other systems to enhance your businesses security measures as well as improve the day-to-day operations. 

    CCTV surveillance is fully-integratable with our access control systems in order to improve building site security. CCTV systems can provide you with footage of forced entries, alarm events, and even users of smart cards gaining access or being denied.

    In addition to this, your access control system can also be integrated with a time and attendance system. This will not only streamline employees clocking in and out of shifts, but it will also give employers an honest recording of an employee’s working hours. 

    If you would like more information about our access control systems, or to book a live demo for your business, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to assist you.

  3. Deter Post-Covid Rising Crime Rates with an Access Control System

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a substantial increase in crimes like burglary, shoplifting and theft. 

    This article shows how to defeat this rising phenomenon through the use of Access Control Systems such as Biometric Access Control Systems, Smart Card Readers and Gates, Barriers and Turnstiles.

    Access Control Systems

    During the first national lockdown in 2020, crime rates dropped in most categories, except for antisocial behaviours and drug offences, which had registered a higher rate than the standard. This was easily predictable since there were less chances of burglaries, robberies and shoplifters when shops and businesses were shut and people were home. However, the pandemic has unfortunately led to a loss of many jobs and closures of businesses, resulting in a rise in poverty and social disparity. Therefore, once back to ‘normal life’, the economic crisis created by the pandemic has changed the incentives to commit crimes, leading to a huge rise in crimes like burglary, theft and shoplifting. 

    Access Control Systems can massively increase your business security, ensuring that only authorised people have access to your site and/or sensitive areas within your building. Examples of Access Control Systems are Smart Card Readers, Biometric Access Control Systems and Gates, Barriers and Turnstiles. 

    Biometric Access Control Systems

    Biometric Access Control Systems verify the identity of a person based on specific biometric details like fingerprints, facial or hand features. The Access Control Terminal will grant or deny the access to somebody based on whether they match the information stored in the access control database or not. The technology is so advanced that it is able to work perfectly in all temperatures and all weather conditions with no performance differences whether the system is inside or outside. Access control terminals typically sit at the entrance of your building to act as a 24-hour security guard. 

    Access Control Smart Card Readers

    Tensor’s Smart Card Readers are fully touch-free and combine an elegant design, supreme functionality with high-quality engineering. Available in a variety of colours in order to adapt to your building or your personal preferences, Tensor’s Smart card Readers can be integrated with our Time and Attendance and our Access Control System.

    Gates, Barriers and Turnstiles

    Able to perform excellently in the most extreme weather conditions, with strict security standards, Tensor’s Gates, Barriers and Turnstiles ensure that only authorised individuals and vehicles will have the chance to access your site. Gates can also be integrated with Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), which instantaneously identifies vehicle number plates in order to grant or deny access to a car park. 

    If you would like more information on our access control systems, in order to help fight against the rising crime rates following the lift of covid restrictions, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help. 

  4. Access Control Integratable with Building Energy Management System

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    Many village halls across the country are beneficiaries of advanced access control systems that can be integrated with a building energy management system (BEMS) which helps reduce energy bills while ensuring their building is safe and secure.

    Kington Langley Village Hall, based in Wiltshire, installed a BEMS in 2013. Dr. Peter Giles, the treasurer of the village hall, said that he “had been looking for some time at bringing heating control into the already installed access control and booking system arrangement but there was nothing out there at the time that offered this sort of diary input” before he came across HeatingSave.

    Save money on bills and ensure building security

    A building energy management system can integrate access control which enables your business to simultaneously cut heating and energy costs while also being in complete control of who has access to your building, ensuring the maximum level of security for your business and/or building. 

    Whether your business has an existing access control system, or it requires a BEMS with integrated access control system, then we have you covered. Should your business require the latter, then our advanced room booking system is the perfect, money-saving, access control solution which works in tandem with your heating system. The room booking system allows users of halls and buildings to rent out various areas of the building and control booking logistics, quotations and payments using a web-based software, while having the ability to grant access to people who have booked and/or paid to hire a room for a specific time. 

    Alternatively, should your business require an all-new, technologically advanced, access control system to bolster on-site security measures then look no further. Our smart card access control system, biometric access control system or facial recognition access control system will all ensure the ultimate level of security, depending on your business requirements. 

    Access control software for businesses

    Access control software plays an integral part in the overall access control system. This is because it is a web-based software that gives you complete access control, from simple door and registration point control, through to a fully computerised global networked access control system. Known as WinAC.NET, you can control most standard types of internal and external electronic, magnetic door releases and devices.

    If you would like more information on any of our access control systems, building energy management systems, or if you would like to book a live demo for your business specifically, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team who will be happy to help.

  5. Memorial Hall Uses Room Booking System for Access Control

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    Sawbridgeworth Memorial Hall uses an advanced room booking system to fulfill all of their access control needs, ensuring they can run day-to-day operations safely and securely. 

    In 2016, the charity-run memorial hall chose HeatingSave’s building energy management system to, one, save money on their heating and energy bills and, two, utilise the room booking system for access control purposes. 

    Peter Lee, Manager at Sawbridgeworth Memorial Hall, expressed the importance the room booking system has for the hall as well as the security measures it brings, when saying, “The booking hall management system is really important to us, it’s how we run our business.” 

    Room booking system for access control purposes

    HeatingSave’s building energy management system (BEMS) has the ability to save users 20-to-30%+ on their heating and energy bills, while simultaneously incorporating an advanced room booking system which allows you to be in control of who has access to your building at all times of the day. 

    Acting as an access control system, the room booking system allows users of halls and buildings to rent out various areas of the building and control booking logistics, quotations and payments using a web-based software. It allows users of the hall to be granted access to the building at specified times of the day using smart card access control, biometric access control or even facial recognition access control. The room booking system links to the building energy management system, allowing the building or room to be set at the correct temperature for when the booking takes place, depending on customer requirements. 

    For more information on any of our access control systems, the room booking system or for more information on the building energy management system, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to assist you.

  6. Cheshire Theatre Finds Way to Save On Their Energy Bills

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    Carver Theatre, located on the edge of Stockport in the county of Cheshire, installed a building energy management system by HeatingSave in order to make their heating and building management more efficient.

    Carver Theatre, constructed in 1841, was in need of a building energy management system (BEMS) for a number of reasons. The first of these being to ensure the building is energy efficient and has the ability to save money on heating bills through zone heating and automatically turning the heating off or down when the building is unoccupied. The second reason is having the ability to set up a heating diary which is in line with the incorporated booking system, allowing the theatre management to know when to set the heating to come on or be turned off, well in advance of bookings. 

    Philip Kiernan, a volunteer at Carver Theatre said “It’s a standalone system that you can easily get remote access to and that gives you multiple options for how to control different areas of your building”. One of these areas of which HeatingSave’s BEMS allows your business to control within its building is access control. Linking to HeatingSave’s room booking system, the building energy management system can incorporate access control points throughout your building, meaning only authorised personnel can gain access into specific areas within the building, ensuring maximum security. 

    Reduce heating bills and improve building security

    Having complete control over who has access to your business/building is vitally important for a wide range of safety and operational reasons. These reasons include having a complete overview of the availability of the building as well as the safety and security of both the building and the people using it. In the case of Carver Theatre, the building energy management system with integrated access control now gives them the ability to save money on heating and energy bills while simultaneously managing their shows and bookings 12 months in advance. 

    Integrated access control for all business types

    Theatres can be very sporadically used, depending on when shows are scheduled. However, when the stage is set and the performance is due to take place, there can be huge numbers of people gathered inside ready to watch a show. This can prove to be difficult in restricting access to backstage or private areas. Not only this but, during closing times, access control can give theatre management/owners the peace of mind that their theatre has a high level of security and can only be accessed by authorised personnel.   

    Access control at your fingertips

    Access Control UK are specialists in supplying access control and safety solutions. Our access control systems are designed to ensure you are aware of who is in your building and when they are granted access to your building.

    Our door controllers and smart card readers give you full control over who is allowed access through any controlled point at any time of any day, allowing you to control locks, internal and external doors. Our smart card readers are contactless, meaning they are Covid-friendly – ensuring that whoever is using your building, be that employees or customers, are completely safe from any unwanted diseases and can have the peace of mind that they can be safe while using your facilities.

    Easy-to-use access control software 

    Access Control UK also offers advanced access control software, which is known as WinAC.NET. This computerised software allows users to have quick and easy access to information regarding bookings. It also allows users to control building alarms, door locks, door release buttons, CCTV cameras, and more – all from the comfort of your own home.

    For more information on any of our access control products, or if you would like to inquire for a quote to boost your businesses building security, then please get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help.

  7. Gas Price Crisis: Access Control Can Reduce Heating & Energy Bills

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    The gas price crisis has seen a huge increase in energy bills for businesses and homeowners across the country. Recent figures have warned that some businesses could be forced to close. Millions of UK households are also being affected with a rise in heating and energy bills. A further inflation of prices is expected in 2022. 

    Gas and energy supplies have been in high demand over the last 12 months, causing a global shortage. In 2020, Europe’s cold winter led to a pressure on supplies and, as a result, stored gas levels are much lower than normal. Since January 2021, gas prices have risen 250% and have increased 70% from August alone.

    As a result of the gas shortage, many businesses and homeowners face a drastic rise in energy and heating bills, which could have two monumental knock-on effects further down the line. The first of these being companies being forced to reduce or pause production, or even cease trading, which could cause unemployment. The second knock-on effect is being likely to pass these higher energy bills on to customers as higher prices – in other words, an increase in inflation, meaning higher heating and energy bills for business owners across the country.  

    How access control can prevent energy bill inflations

    Access control systems have many benefits for businesses for a wide range of reasons, however, saving money on your heating and energy bills is probably not one that springs to mind straight away. Although saving money on bills is not the top priority for an access control system, it can be an integral part of a building energy management system (BEMS) and the day-to-day running of your building. 

    BEMS with integrated access control

    A building energy management system is the most effective method of reducing heating and energy bills for businesses and business owners. With a proven saving percentage of between 20-to-30%+, HeatingSave’s BEMS has the ability to better run any building, more efficiently, by cutting costs while also improving security throughout the global gas price crisis. 

    An access control system has many benefits for businesses up and down the country. Not only does the smart card access control system grant or deny access for people using your building, but it can also be integrated into HeatingSave’s building energy management system which can save up to 30% on your heating and energy bills.

    The access control smart cards can be incorporated into the advanced room booking system that provides users with an all-encompassing wall planner. It generates all availability of rooms, invoices and cancellations; particularly useful for village halls and other similar organisations that rent out rooms or areas of the building. The room booking system also allows users to be notified when a room is accessed and which registered smart card is accessing it. The room booking system is especially useful for when businesses hold regular meetings or for organisations such as village halls due to each access control smart card reader having the ability to hold details of up to 1,000 users.

    If you believe that your business would benefit from a building energy management system with an all-encompassing room booking system for access control purposes, then please get in touch with a member of our sales team today for more information who will be happy to help.

  8. How Businesses are Benefiting from Facial Recognition Access Control

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    A facial recognition access control system is the ultimate level of building security and access restriction. It has the ability to instantly match a human face from a digital image or a video frame against a database of faces in order to grant or deny an individual access into a particular building or room. 

    This article breaks down exactly what a facial recognition access control system is, how it works, its key features, and explains the benefits it has for businesses up and down the country. 

    How facial recognition access control systems work

    A facial recognition access control system is best placed at the entrance to your business/building or on the outside of a specific/access controlled room within your building.

    Computer algorithms are used to pick out specific, distinctive details about a person’s face. Facial features such as the distance between the eyes or shape of the person’s chin are analysed and then these algorithms are converted into a mathematical representation and compared to data on other faces collected in a face recognition database. This advanced system includes live face detection so it is also able to differentiate between a real face and a photograph – meaning only authorised personnel can gain access into your building. 

    Facial recognition access control is capable of working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It has the ability to work at night time as well as during the harshest of weather conditions such as rain and snow, should it be placed on the outside of a building. 

    Benefits of facial recognition access control for businesses

    A facial recognition access control system provides businesses with a huge range of security benefits. In addition to the maximum level of access control security available, facial recognition offers unrivalled access control software as well as being completely contactless to ensure your business is a safe and hygienic place to work. These benefits are:

    Maximum access control security

    The maximum level of security for your business and/or building is reached with a facial recognition access control system. The main reason for this is due to them not requiring the use of smart cards or fingerprints and completely rely on facial features alone, absolutely guaranteeing that no unauthorised personnel gain access to your building or specific room. 

    Facial recognition access control systems eliminate employees being able to clock each other in and out of shifts, while also ensuring that your business and place of work is safe by allowing only authorised people to be on site. Not only this but smart cards, used with smart card access control systems can often be lost or misplaced by employees meaning new ones have to be produced as replacements. 

    Leading access control software

    Tensor’s facial recognition access control system is supported by our WinAC.NET access control software suite. 

    WinAC.NET is a secure and dynamic access control software suite that is a vital part of the make-up of Tensor’s facial recognition access control system. It provides quick and easy access to information on your PC or mobile and gives you the ability to control a single door and identification point, all the way through to a fully computerised networked facial recognition access control system. It allows you to control most types of internal and external electronic, magnetic door releases and devices, making full use of all facial recognition location points, whether in full view or hidden out of sight.

    Contactless facial recognition access control 

    It is, now more than ever, vitally important that businesses have safety measures in place to keep their employees safe at work following the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19. Helping to combat viruses and other unwanted diseases, a facial recognition access control system can guarantee a completely touch-free and contactless method for employees to clock in and out of work.

    If you would like more information regarding Tensor’s facial recognition access control systems, or if you are interested in getting a quote for your site, then please do not hesitate to get in contact with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help.

  9. How Universities Can Benefit From Access Control Systems

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    Universities up and down the country become a temporary place to call home for thousands of students during their years of higher education. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students begin their university journey, setting out to achieve their respected degree qualifications while making a lifetime of friends along the way. 

    With this comes huge pressures and responsibilities for universities to not only provide first-rate education across all subject areas and industries, but to also provide housing and accommodation for campus-living students.   

    However, the most important consideration when taking on thousands of new students is safety. Their safety and well-being should be at the forefront of all thoughts, and this is where an access control system comes in. 

    An access control system has huge benefits for universities when it comes to on-site safety concerns for students and lecturers, in a range of different areas. This article sets out to explain how our systems can help grant or deny access to accommodation, prevent access to sensitive areas to unauthorised personnel and much more. 

    Accommodation access control 

    Gaining access into specific accommodation buildings is one of the most important benefits of an access control system. Our access control smart card readers ensure that only authorised students are able to access the building and more specifically, access exact doors leading into their apartments and rooms. This information can also be collated into a database,s o you can see where a student ‘passed through’ last, in case an incident occurs, or for ensuring students are attending classes as expected.

    Our access control smart card readers and door controllers also ensure that unauthorised students, as well as non-students, are denied access into student accommodation that is not their own. 

    Additionally, our access control smart card readers are completely touch-free, meaning that they are COVID-19 compliant and ensure that student accommodations are a hygienic place to live.  

    Access control software for lectures and meetings

    Universities are huge places with a vast range of rooms and lecture halls that are shared by various subject areas as well as different year groups throughout each day. This means that when one lecture finishes, another may be due to start immediately after. 

    Our access control software, known as WinAC.NET, is a web-based software that gives universities the ability to grant a specific set of students access into a certain room or lecture hall for a particular time in the day. For example, a student’s access card can be granted access to a certain room or building at the university for a chosen time. So if they have a lecture between 1pm and 2pm then they can be granted access between those hours (with a customised grace period if set). Our access control system not only ensures complete safety for both students and lecturers, but it can also eradicate paper registers due to its ability to record attendance from students when they scan through the door. 

    Access control to sensitive areas

    There are many areas of universities that are high-risk or dangerous towards students and staff – none more so than in the science labs.  

    Installing access control systems within science buildings, especially the laboratories, can have huge safety benefits. Access control systems ensure that only authorised people can enter high-risk rooms or areas within the building. This is especially useful for first year students who are learning how to handle dangerous equipment or are yet to learn how to use it.   

    For ultimate security measures, we also offer biometric access control and facial recognition access control. Biometric access control, commonly known as fingerprint access control, gives absolute peace-of-mind and assurance that only the right people can gain access to sensitive or dangerous areas on sites. Both biometric and facial recognition access control serve as a step-up in security from smart card readers. This is because one; smart cards can be lost (although can be quickly replaced), and two; it is near-impossible to share fingerprints and faces – maximising security in the areas that need it the most. 

    If your university wants maximum security throughout its premises with any of our access control systems, and if you would like to inquire about getting a quote, then our sales team will be happy to help.

  10. Shoe Zone Size Up Tensor’s Access Control System

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    The shoe-selling giants, Shoe Zone, who have over 400 stores across the UK, have called upon Tensor for an access control system. The high street favourite first installed a Tensor access control system at their headquarters in Leicester in 2005, and have updated their system throughout the years with the latest upgrade being as recent as 2021.

    Property Manager, Steve Chater, was part of the project’s team at Shoe Zone in 2005 when the access control systems were installed. When speaking to Tensor recently, he said, “for access control, it ticks all the boxes: setting the levels, mandating how and when people can come into the building, it solved all our issues.”

    Shoe Zone’s head office consists of the main warehouse, distribution centre and office space. All of these had the access control system installed. Steve added, “The whole system governs everyone getting in and out of the building and access to only certain areas, which was exactly what we needed.”

    Warehouse and office space access control specialists

    Warehouses with valuable stock as well as offices with confidential information are two of the biggest beneficiaries of an access control system. It allows authorised members of staff to have access to certain areas that they need while denying them access to unauthorised areas and rooms within the building.

    Shoe Zone employs around 4,000 people throughout the UK, with 300 of those employees working at the head office in Leicester. An access control system is a perfect solution to managing a workforce of this size while at the same time maintaining a safe and secure workplace.

    Advanced access control systems

    At Access Control UK, we offer state-of-the-art access control systems which aid with workforce management.

    Our door controllers and smart card readers give you total control over who is granted access through any controlled point at any time of any day, allowing you to control locks, internal and external doors. Our smart card readers are contactless, meaning they are Covid-friendly, giving your members of staff complete confidence in their safety while at work.

    Biometric access control is also available. Biometric access control systems, commonly known as fingerprint access control, give employees complete reassurance that only authorised people are able to access sensitive areas of the warehouse/office or place of work. This method of access control gives employers reassurance because it means employees cannot lose or misplace their fingerprints, whereas this is a possibility with smartcards and key fobs – however, for peace of mind, all lost smartcards and key fobs are immediately replaceable.

    Unrivalled access control software 

    Our software is equally as impressive as our hardware. Known as WinAC.NET, the computerised software allows users to have quick and easy access on their computer or mobile phone to information on building alarms, door locks, door release buttons, CCTV cameras and more.

    If you would like more information on any of our access control products, or if you would like a quote, then please do not hesitate to get in contact with a member of our sales team today.

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