Access Control UK is committed to encouraging continuous improvement with a focus on customer satisfaction whilst supporting our organisation’s goals.
Certification gives us the confidence that our systems are working efficiently and meet international standards of excellence. As a result, our clients and business partners can be confident that our products and services are not only of the highest quality but are continuously assessed and improved.
Our commitment to quality affects all aspects of the business and this can be evidenced through our commitment to achieving external recognition of the company.

National Security Inspectorate (NSI) NACOSS Gold
The National Security Inspectorate (NSI) is an independent not-for-profit supervisory body that is responsible for ensuring its member companies are fully compliant with security industry standards and codes of practice. It is widely recognised as the leading certification body for the security sector in the UK.
To achieve the NACOSS Gold recognition, a company must demonstrate its technical ability to design, install and maintain equipment to all relevant European Standards and NACOSS Codes of Practice. The suitability of the company’s premises, vehicles, insurance, staff security vetting and training, procedures and protocols on customer service are all audited as part of the certification process.
The NACOSS Gold Certification builds on product Certification to incorporate Quality Management System Certification. The combination of the Quality Management Systems and the relevant sector specific product or service represents the Gold standard of certification. This level holds the greatest perceived value across industry and by the police, fire and rescue services and insurers.
For more information, please visit the NSI website (

ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is a quality assurance model made up of quality system requirements. This model applies to organisations that produce, install, and service products.
ISO expects organisations to apply this model, and to meet these requirements, by developing a quality system.
National Quality Assurance (NQA) is a leading accredited certification body carrying out third party registration of management systems against the requirements of national and international standards.
For more details about ISO 9001 Quality Assurance, visit the NQA website.

ISO 45001:2018
ISO 45001:2018 is the world’s first International Standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S).
It provides a framework to increase safety, reduce workplace risks and enhance health and well-being at work, enabling an organization to proactively improve its OH&S performance.
ISO 45001 enables organizations to put in place an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system. This helps manage OH&S risks and improve OH&S performance by developing and implementing effective policies and objectives.
Tensor has been awarded the ISO 45001:2018 certification for its Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems in April 2019.
By successfully achieving this standard, Tensor has demonstrated its commitment to a corporate culture of increasing productivity, enhancing product quality, and elevating company recognition and reputation among customers and the community.
For more details about the ISO 45001:2018 standard, visit the ISO website.

ISO 14001:2015
ISO 14001:2015 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS).
The International Organisation of Standardization (ISO) developed the ISO 14001:2015 as a standard of processes for organisations to use when setting up, improving, or maintaining their EMS’ to follow established environmental policies and requirements. The guidelines are designed to help organisations improve efficiency, reduce waste, improve overall environmental impact, and manage environmental obligations.
Certification against EN ISO 14001:2015 means that a company has demonstrated a clear commitment to sustainability and a robust system of administrative checks and auditability.
Tensor has been awarded the EN ISO 14001:2015 certification in April 2019. For more details about the ISO 14001:2015 standard, visit the ISO website.

Secure by Design
Secured by Design is an initiative from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) that aims to reduce crime through effective environmental design.
The scheme also calls for the installation of security products that meet police-approved standards. Manufacturers and installers whose products have been certified by an accredited testing body to the specified standards, can apply for SBD membership and licence to utilise the scheme’s logo.
For more information, please visit the Secured by Design website.

The British Security Industry Association is the trade association for the British security industry. Over 500 members are responsible for more than 70% of UK security business.
All members must be registered to ISO 9000 with a UKAS accredited inspectorate and must comply with relevant British Standards and Codes of Practice.
The BSIA is the professional trade association for the UK and represents the industry on European and British legislation matters.
For more details visit the BSIA website.

Safe Contractor
Safecontractor is an accreditation scheme that assesses the health & safety competency of contractors and service providers.
Clients have a legal obligation to ensure that external contractors and service providers working on their premises operate in a safe way.
There is therefore a need to assess contractors health & safety arrangements and increasingly this is being carried out through Safecontractor.
For more details please visit the Safe Contractor website.

CCNSG Safety Passport Scheme
Our Installation Engineers are covered by the Client Contractor National Safety Group (CCNSG) Safety Passport Scheme organised by the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB).
The aim of the CCNSG Safety Passport Scheme is to ensure a basic knowledge of health & safety for all site personnel to enable them, after appropriate site induction, to work on site more safely with lower risk to themselves and others.
Some of our engineers have also had additional training to gain the Supervisors Passport.
For more details about the CCNSG Safety Passport Scheme, visit the ECITB website.

Cyber Essentials
The Cyber Essentials certification programme is a UK Government-backed scheme that guides businesses in protecting themselves against cyber threats; allowing organisations to demonstrate to customers and partners that cyber security is taken seriously.
Supported by industry as a whole, the certification aims to ensure that security controls are in place and working effectively ensuring risks are mitigated from online threats through the secure configuration of an organisation’s computing resources.
Tensor was awarded the Cyber Essentials accreditation in February 2018.
For more details about Cyber Essentials, visit the National Cyber Security website.

Construction Line
Constructionline’s Gold (Level 3) Membership is an accreditation developed to accommodate the broadening needs of both suppliers and buyers in terms of Third Party Governance & Risk Management. Over 10,000 buyers from 3,800 public and private sector organisations use Constructionline to source contractors and consultants. As a verified member of Constructionline, Tensor’s customers will recognise that our company aligns to industry and government standards.
Tensor achieved the Constructionline standard accreditation – known as Silver (Level 2) membership in 2012 and has strictly adhered to the standard ever since. And now, due to customer demand, we have achieved the higher Gold (Level 3) Member status, which adds an enhanced PQQ question set that goes beyond the data collected by PAS91 to include Environmental Management, Quality Management, Equalities and Diversity. This assures our customers that Tensor abides by all relevant legislation in areas such as Modern Slavery, Anti-bribery and Corruption, and Equal Opportunities.
In addition, Construction Gold Members are provided with a Health and Safety SSIP certificate to meet the requirements of Constructionline’s Acclaim or “Deemed to Satisfy” SSIP certificate, demonstrating to buyers that Tensor also complies with Health & Safety legislation.
For more details about Construction Line, visit the Construction Line website.

Builder’s Profile
Builder’s Profile is the open access Common Database service that allows Main Contractors, Subcontractors and Audit partners in the construction industry to share Compliance and PQQ information.
The Builder’s Profile service is highly versatile and benefits subcontractors and suppliers; showcasing them to main contractors as capable professionals that are ready to work.
Builder’s Profile is the Common Database that construction industry buyers search when looking for supplier information and complements and easily integrates with other schemes. The standardised ‘Foundation’ service covers the PAS91 question set plus frequently asked questions.
For more information on Builder’s Profile, please visit their website.

Made in Britain
Made in Britain is a not-for-profit organisation that champions British manufacturing under a single marque. The marque represents a standard of quality and unity for the British manufacturing sector within the UK and around the world.
The organisation works closely with the UK government and other groups to support skilled jobs and encourage creativity and sustainable growth. It campaigns all year round for British manufacturing.
The Made in Britain marque is affiliated with companies that manufacture and sell goods in Great Britain, at the highest standards, and makes it easier for customers at home and abroad to identify and recognise British made goods. The organization encourages buyers, specifiers and ultimately, consumers to treat the Directory as the procurement site for all goods manufactured in the UK.
A proud British manufacturer for over 30 years, Tensor has joined the Made in Britain initiative in January 2019.
For more details about the Made in Britain initiative and marque, visit the Made in Britain website.

Achilles Power & Tech
Achilles Power & Tech is a supply chain management community for the global power, technology and automation sector that brings buying organisations and suppliers from the global power, technology and automation industry together in a controlled and professionally managed environment.
Using an agreed industry benchmark, it standardises and streamlines the way buyers and suppliers engage with each other. It supports better relationships and underpins a more cost-effective and low-risk procurement process.
Achilles Power & Tech enables buying organisations and suppliers to reduce the risks to their supply chain through an impartial and rigorous evaluation and validation of supplier data across a range of business criteria that is critical to the sourcing process.
Tensor has become a fully registered supplier in the Achilles Power & Tech Supply chain management community in December 2015.
For more details about the Achilles Power & Tech supply chain management community, visit the Achilles website.

CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) is the leading skills certification scheme within the UK construction industry. CSCS cards provide proof that individuals working on construction sites have the required training and qualifications for the type of work they carry out.
The Scheme keeps a database of people working in construction who have achieved, or are committed to achieving a recognised construction related qualification. Most principal contractors and major house builders require construction workers on their sites to hold a valid CSCS card.
Tensor has achieved IT partner status with the CSCS in 2013. We have developed our .NET suite of products to allow a seamless integration between the CSCS smartcard and our Access Control, Time Management, Visitor/Contractor Management and Fire/Evacuation roll-call systems, including Turnstiles and Biometric verification devices (facial recognition, hand scanning & fingerprint recognition).
The integration allows a “one card fits all” philosophy where Contractors who attend CSCS sites use their existing CSCS smartcard to not only identify them as a CSCS certified tradesman, but also to clock in/out of site for presence monitoring, grant access to the site and log them on and off the evacuation roll-call which is automatically printed when an alarm is triggered.
For more details about the Construction Skills Certification Scheme, visit the CSCS website.

Crown Commercial Service (CCS)
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS), an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office, is the biggest public procurement organisation in the UK. It helps thousands of public and third sector buyers in the UK with billions of pounds of spending each year to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services.
The Workplace Services RM6089 Framework for Technical Security, which is part of the Facilities Management Marketplace, is an agreement between the government and suppliers who design, supply, install and maintain physical and electronic security products. Suppliers are carefully evaluated during the tender process and pre-agreed terms and conditions offer customers sound contractual safeguards.
Through the competitive tender process and regular benchmarking, CCS ensures customers have access to the most competitive deals and also save the time and money associated with conducting their own procurement exercise.
Tensor have been appointed as an official supplier on the Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) RM6089 Workplace Services Framework Agreement for Technical Security in April 2019.
For more details visit the CCS website.

ESPO is a public sector owned professional buying organisation (PBO), specialising in providing a wide range of goods and services to the public sector for over 35 years. ESPO offers a comprehensive, one-stop shop solution of over 25,000 catalogue products, 120 frameworks and bespoke procurement services, all with free support and advice available from our expert teams.
Originally established in 1981 to provide a comprehensive procurement service to Leicestershire County Council and Lincolnshire County Council, ESPO has since grown into a well-known, respected organisation for customers from all areas of the public sector.
Today they are one of the country’s largest PBOs owned by six member authority councils: Leicestershire County Council, Lincolnshire County Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, Norfolk County Council, Warwickshire County Council, and Peterborough City Council.
Tensor have been appointed as an official supplier on the ESPO Surveillance Equipment/Services Framework (No. 628_19) for the provision of both Private Space Surveillance Systems (Lot 2) and Access Control Systems (Lot 3) in May 2019.
For more details visit the ESPO website.