Access system burglar alarm output helps crackdown on crime

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Police crime alarmA crackdown on crime using ‘bobbies on the beat’ has gained overwhelming support from a community. Because this drive allowed the public to come into contact with officers on foot patrol, 72 per cent of those surveyed said it improved their local area. Under Operation LASER (Local Action Supporting Enforcement and Reassurance), officers in Fife, Scotland, carry out nearly 3400 hours of highly visible foot patrol; 3500 visits to known areas of concern; and over 1300 visits to licensed premises to support licensees and ensure there were no offences being committed.

Another way to ensure security and peace of mind is to install Access Control UK’s secure access system which employs easy to use smart cards, ideal for businesses. The kit can control any door access and is PC compatible. The system holds details on up to 10,000 card holders, and among its features are Email warnings and alerts, multi-lingual capability, Fire Roll Call from fire panel input, speech output announcing flagged arrivals and security breaches, and a burglar alarm output for forced entry.

It adheres to international security standards applicable to Access Control systems; EN50133 Parts 1, 7 and 2; GW18, PC79 and DD243I2002.

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