Access control systems integrate outdoor security devices

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jewellery raid in LondonPolice and insurance assessors are continuing to add up the cost of the haul snatched from De Beers in the Royal Exchange shopping arcade in the City of London. Jewels to the value of several million pounds were stolen in a matter of minutes by a gang. One source said thieves ‘cleaned out’ the exclusive store. It is understood the shopping courtyard was protected only by wrought iron gates joined by a chain and padlock more suitable for securing bicycles.

Expensive and exclusive stores like De Beers deserve top security, and this is what you get from Access Control UK’s indoor and outdoor access control products. Our smart card access control systems control all our outdoor security devices such as barriers, automatic bollards, gates and fences – indeed, virtually any electronic door look mechanism. You can build your security profile from scratch, controlling one door or going up to an entire network, as well as adding extra measures like closed circuit television cameras. Outdoor barriers can be colour coded to fit in with your existing company colour scheme.

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