Access control system is a solution to council budget cuts

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Council cutsLocal council budgets are facing the squeeze as the country faces difficult financial decisions concerning reducing the national debt. The Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition has already outlined plans for £6.2bn of cuts this financial year and is preparing for an emergency Budget on June 22.

Instead of just looking to reduce services, a council can in fact look at other revenue streams when discussing their budget. To ensure its core facilities can remain open, a simple access control scheme can be adopted, with the option a nominal admission charge. For example, a Parliamentary Select Committee has already recommended that all providers of public toilets consider modern access control methods as an alternative to traditional turnstiles.

Tensor plc company Access Control UK is the solution if you are looking for a complete access control system. We have been designing, manufacturing and installing first-class access control solutions since 1991. Indoor access control (AC) includes biometrics, glass turnstiles and half height turnstiles; while outdoor AC includes automatic bollards, automatic car park barriers and full height turnstiles. Barriers are a cost effective solution to control access to car parking facilities in a range of customisable options – a good way for councils to raise money with a small charge per car.

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