Access control software operates electro-magnetic door locks

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anti-social behaviour The Home Office uses two separate measures of crime to try to plot what is happening across England and Wales. They are combined into a single quarterly report, and the figures strongly indicate that crime is continuing to fall. The report suggested that 57% of people now thought police in their local area were doing a good or excellent job, up slightly from 54% the year before. People also told the survey that their perception of high levels of anti-social behaviour was also falling.

A smart card access control system from Access Control UK is just the ticket for setting up an advanced security system on your site. A log is generated, regardless of whether an access attempt was successful or not, allowing you to see who has been going where on your site. A range of equipment, devices and releases can be connected to your security network, which can be operated through your access control software, including electro-magnetic door locks (pictured). Door or barrier access can be limited depending on that person’s roll call status.

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