Carillion to provide facilities management services in public sector prisons

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UK services group Carillion has been appointed preferred bidder to provide facilities management services in public sector prisons, a recent news report was able to reveal.
The contracts cover approximately 50 prisons and will be for an initial five-year period, with the potential for two subsequent one-year extensions.
Carillion will provide a wide range of hard and soft facilities management services, including mechanical and electrical engineering maintenance, building fabric maintenance, energy and environmental services, waste management, escort services for contractors, cleaning services and minor building works.
Mobilisation is scheduled to begin in 2015, while the contract is due to begin 1 June 2015. The combined revenue from these two contracts is expected to be between £35m and £40m per year.

Managing the contractors’ access to the secure prison site can be a potentially troublesome issue, but this is specifically where the Visitor Monitoring Systems and access control systems from Access Control UK could really be put through their paces.

The access control systems can operate up to 31 clocking stations, each of which can have up to twelve scanner controllers attached to it – in effect, the system can control access to 372 different areas of your site. Door access can be limited by the access control software, which controls the access profile of each employee or visitor who is enrolled on the system via their fire roll call status.

Both smart card and biometric access control scanners can be combined on the same network, giving you full control over who is allowed access through any controlled point at any time of day. Sensitive or dangerous areas can easily be denied to those who do not have the appropriate security clearance.

Your access control system is completely bespoke and can be used to control most standard types of internal and external electro-magnetic door releases. In addition, your system can also control access control turnstiles, barriers and bollards.

If you’d like to find out more about the range of solutions supplied by Access Control UK, both in terms of hardware (smart card readers, biometric readers, turnstiles, etc.) and software (access rights management software solutions, etc.), just contact us, we’ll be more than happy to answer any queries you might have.

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