Easy to use and powerful Access Control Software
The powerful software supplied with all the Access Control UK solutions has a familiar Windows™ interface, providing quick and easy access to information. It is also highly scalable, from simple door and registration point control, through to a fully computerised global Networked Access Control System.
Any individual’s security profile is based upon the persons Access Group. Each employee is assigned to an Access Group, either unique to them or common to their department. Access groups consist of separate rules for each day of the week and public holidays and shutdown days.
These separate daily rules are known as Access Patterns and dictate what a person can do at different times through the day, that the pattern is applied to.
When an attempt is made to pass through an access point, the scanner will compare that employee’s security profile with the access point’s profile. The access point’s security rights may vary upon the day and time of day of the attempted access.
The door will then be released if the employee has access rights. A log is generated, regardless of whether an access attempt was successful or not, allowing you to see who has been going where on your site.
You can control most standard types of internal and external electronic, magnetic door releases and devices, making full use of location points, whether in full view or hidden out of sight, providing access even in the most adverse conditions.
You can also easily create a wide range of daily access patterns, which can run past midnight, enabling you to restrict certain areas of your site using time constraints. Plus, the software can configure doors to open automatically on fire alarms and lock automatically on burglar alarms.
An extensive range of equipment, devices and releases can be connected to your security network, which can be operated through your access control software including:
- alarms and hooters
- break glass buttons
- door locks
- door release buttons
- electro-mangnetic door locks
- fingerprint readers
- CCTV cameras
- scanners
The WinAC.NET includes a wide range of time and money-saving features, such as:
- Access Control Profiles easily created or customised to suit your particular site, and can be varied minute-by-minute
- Real Time (near) graphical display shows doors being opened / closed, those with alarm status set and forced entry
- Doors may be configured to open automatically on fire alarms and lock automatically on burglar alarms
- Anti Pass Back facility limits the same card being used by more than one person
- CCTV Tracking of video clips showing “evidence quality” footage of forced entries, alarm events, users of Smart Cards gaining access or being denied
- Door/Barrier Access can be limited depending on the persons’ roll call status
- Resilient System keeps running even when certain cables are cut or damaged or PC networks fail
- Sensor Monitoring to detect forced entry
- Audit Trail showing who gained access (or denied) at any location at any time
- Biometric dermal fingerprint reading for maximum security and personnel authentication
- Hardware Device Manager allows easy adding & editing of hardware device profiles
With our Access Control Software you can be assured that you will receive a simple to use, highly secure way of controlling access to areas or buildings, as well as monitoring who is present 24 hours a day.
Additional features are available for the WinAC.NET Business/Enterprise editions which can be implemented on your access control system to take into account diversity with access rules between individual organisations.