Automatic bollards limit vehicle access to a specific location

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protocols locks changed broke into Tower of London stole keys Automatic bollards exterior security devices Access Control UK limit vehicle access passage authorised smart cardSecurity protocols have been re-examined at one of Britain’s most historic landmarks. The locks have now been changed after a person broke into the Tower of London and stole a set of its keys. A statement from the Tower said: “It would not have been possible to gain access to the Tower with any of these keys. All affected locks were immediately changed.” The representative also said an internal investigation found that “our well-established security systems and procedures are robust”.

Automatic bollards – one of many exterior security devices from Access Control UK – limit vehicle access to a specific location and can easily be lowered when passage is authorised, typically within two to three seconds. Constructed out of concrete, stainless steel, aluminium or cast iron, the automatic bollards are constructed to completely stop the majority of vehicles. An access control device, such as a smart card, can be combined with your bollards, enabling quick and easy raising and lowering of the post.

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