Premises covered by continuous high quality camera footage without degradation

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CCTV cameras toilets in school Easter CCTV security options premises Digital Recording Systems Access Control UK continuous high quality recording for days without the risk of degradationA teacher has hit back at “inaccurate” claims about the use of CCTV cameras in his school. The Lancashire school has been named as one of 207 in the UK using CCTV cameras in the toilets or changing rooms by a campaign group. Head of Blessed Trinity, Richard Varey, said: “The report is inaccurate. There are 32 cameras in school. There are none in toilets or changing rooms.” He added that the cameras have not been viewed at the school since after Easter.

There are many CCTV security options for your premises, including Digital Recording Systems, available from Access Control UK. Our range of CCTV DVRs comprises of tried and tested equipment that meets strict requirements both for usability and durability. The DVRs allow continuous high quality digital CCTV recording for days and weeks at a time, and can store footage for a number of cameras present on your network without the risk of degradation. Contact us for more details on DVRs.

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