Signatures of contractors can be stored for site verification purposes

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steal break-in gang black market Access Control UK security Visitor Management Systems control record and monitor arrivals and departures of contractors Signature Capture Tablets premises verification printed on a passA prize exhibit has had to be replaced after attempts to steal it. A valuable rhino horn has been swapped for a replica following a break-in by a gang at Norwich Castle. A teenager has already been jailed for two-and-a-half years for his part in the attempt to steal the horn. On the black market, rhino horns can sell for about £50,000 per-kg, making them worth just as much or more than gold or cocaine.

Access Control UK specialises in security and Visitor Management Systems (VMS) that control, record and monitor the arrivals and departures of an organisation’s visitors and contractors. VMS registers visitors on and off site with their photograph taken on arrival using a digital camera. VMS allows Signature Capture Tablets to be connected to the system so that the signatures of visitors and contractors can be stored at the point of entry to your premises. This signature can be used for verification purposes and can be printed on a pass.

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