Affordable PC networked access security system for all businesses

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Protesters British Gas Surrey Police T3511 Low Cost 1 Scanner Controller Access Control UK controlling entry to your premises affordable businesses security systemProtesters who entered British Gas HQ left because they said they felt “threatened”. The group, who were complaining about high fuel prices, handed out leaflets to employees at the Staines depot. Surrey Police and British Gas said they had worked together to ensure the safety of workers and the public. On Twitter, one of the group posted: “Decided to leave on our own terms following threatening police presence. Let’s hope this is only the beginning of challenging the big six!”

The T3511 Low Cost 1 Scanner Controller from Access Control UK makes controlling entry to your premises affordable for all businesses. Connected to a PC or PC network the T3511 suddenly becomes the embryo of a fully computerised Access Control and security system. The plug and play features allow up to two Smart Card scanners, one door lock and other security equipment to be controlled by the WinACnet software. This latest .NET software also stores information such as calendars and photographs if required.

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