Camera monitoring equipment can be added to building smart card security

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district council CCTV Camera monitoring equipment to detect movement building Smart Card security systems Access Control UK individual’s security profileMore than 300 people were arrested or fined during 2011 in just one area served by a district council thanks to CCTV cameras. Those caught due to the 24-hour surveillance provided by CCTV include illegal immigrants and those involved in criminal damage. Because of the swift action taken by Fenland District Council’s CCTV team this led directly to 257 arrests and 124 other offenders being fined. The district is served by a network of 66 cameras.

Camera monitoring equipment to detect movement within a building can be added to the Smart Card security systems provided by Access Control UK. When a person attempts to pass through an access point, the T32xx access control unit compares the individual’s security profile with that of the access point. Security profiles are based upon the day, time of day, and the security threat level of the attempted access. The security status of each access point is controlled by the smart card scanner settings associated to that particular access point.

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