Infinite life key fobs can operate business access control systems

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armed attempted thief Metropolitan Police Access Control UK proximity read door control and monitoring technology protecting businesses Contactless key fobsOfficers have praised the bravery of shop staff who fought off an armed attempted thief. Metropolitan Police commented after an attacker described as “well-built” cased out a jewellers, before surprising a female worker and seizing her by the throat. “They acted with great courage to fight off the suspect and were lucky to have avoided being seriously injured. We need help from the public to trace this individual before he attempts to target someone else,” said a detective on the case.

Access Control UK supplies proximity read door control and monitoring technology for protecting businesses. Contactless key fobs are used to operate your system. There is no onboard battery, so theoretically, each key fob has an infinite life and can be read an infinite number of times. When placed within range of your access control scanner, the fob will be read in under ½ second, even if that fob is covered in oil and grease. Smart cards can be used on the same scanners.

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