Smart card operated system is secure choice for business sites

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£400,000 repair bill lead being stolen Access Control Smart CardA church has been left with a £400,000 repair bill following years of lead being stolen from the roof. St John the Divine based in Lancashire holds the grave of General James Scarlett, who led the charge of the Heavy Brigade in the Crimean War. Some of the lead thefts over the past five or six years have been identified and rectified straight away but the problems and damage have stemmed from when it was not apparent the incidents had happened.

Access Control UK is the correct choice for secure protection of your business site, from the control of a single internal door through to a fully computerised, multi-site network of control points. Using the Tensor Access Lite system and T149x scanners, you can make full use of location points, whether in full view or hidden out of sight, providing access even in the most adverse conditions. It is possible to control most internal and external electronic and magnetic door devices with the Smart Card operated system.

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