Biometric access scanners control most standard door releases

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Police Federation and Unison The Police Federation and Unison hit out at the “savage cuts” and warned that the loss of hundreds of officers and staff will affect the quality of policing in Wales. The Police Federation said it fears losing officers with expertise in areas such as firearms. Dominic MacAskill, of trade union Unison, which represents many non-uniformed police staff, said: “There isn’t such a thing as a cut of staff, whether it’s uniformed or support staff, which won’t cause a reduction of the service that the police can provide the community.”

Your Access Control UK system can operate up to 31 clocking stations, which control access and protect different areas of your site regardless of any potential reductions in police presence. Both smart card and biometric access control scanners can be combined on the same network, giving you full control over who is allowed access through any controlled point at any time of day. The biometric access control scanners are able to control most standard types of internal and external electronic, magnetic door releases and devices.

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