Security network features real time monitoring of doors left open

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bogus ticketsFraudulent web operators are flaunting consumer protection laws in order to entice people into obtaining bogus tickets for music or comedy shows. They are taking advantage of the fact that, for debit card purchases or the use of credit cards for transactions below £100, some banks and building societies will guarantee refunds as part of their customer service. When these non-existent tickets do not turn up, the fraudsters urge the buyer to seek a refund via their high street bank.

Access Control UK’s range of systems handle everything you would expect from a top quality access control security network, which stops unauthorised personnel from trying to enter your premises whether using false documents or forced entry. Features include real-time monitoring of doors left open, diagrammatically illustrated on an overlay plan of your actual site. Access can be controlled or denied remotely, from your reception area, or locally, from a guard post next to an automatic barrier. Smart cards can be used to automatically open gates, doors or barriers when an authorised member of staff needs to gain entry.

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