Top quality access control security system prevents Halloween crime horror

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Halloween burgled access control securityPeople are urged at Halloween to avoid the nightmare of being burgled, as the clocks are about to go back and we get used to darker afternoons and evenings. One of the first things thieves use is the cover of darkness to target buildings that look empty. A police spokesperson said: “Burglary is a distressing crime. Halloween, Bonfire Night and the clocks going back can all lead to an increase in burglaries,” adding: “Leaving a light on, using timer switches, setting your burglar alarm and shutting and locking all doors and windows could save you coming home to a nasty shock.”

Both businesses and private homes can be protected with Access Control UK’s range of systems, which handle everything you would expect from a top quality access control security system. Using smart card technology, access readers can be located out of sight – even hidden behind brick walls – yet providing secure entry for authorised personnel. Additional measures such as biometric fingerprint scanners and CCTV tracking can be added, while a CCTV camera is a great deterrent for the home.

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