Scanning devices register visitors and their documents

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40,000 cut police jobsThe body which represents police officers in England and Wales says up to 40,000 front-line jobs could go if the anticipated 25 per cent budget cuts take place. The Police Federation has said it was inevitable crime would go up if these conditions prevail. Government Minister Nick Herbert replied to these concerns: "I understand the Police Federation wants to make its case and protect every job, but we must be careful not to frighten the public," he said. "Police forces can make savings. They can become more efficient. They can share services and procure equipment better."

Because of enforcement cuts it is time to ensure your premises are secure enough with Access Control UK – we have devices that scan, monitor, track and register visitors as soon as they enter your premises. Automatic gates or barriers can be installed at the entrance to your site and enable you to securely control vehicle access. Barriers can be controlled remotely, from your reception area, or locally, from a guard post next to the barrier. Document scanning means it is possible to inspect licences, vehicle information, and identification papers.

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