Step up security at public toilets with turnstiles

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turnstile toilet bombA sanitation worker received a shock when she serviced a portable toilet, finding what looked like a home-made bomb. The worker made the discovery about 9am at a Tacoma Public Utilities transfer station in America. Police set up a safety zone and evacuated a handful of nearby business and a small apartment complex before disabling the device. Detectives were following up to see where the explosive came from and how long it had been in the toilet.

Installing an Access Control UK toilet turnstile will step up security and safety at a public toilet. As well as lockable lids to prevent unwanted access, high security options are available. The coin mechanism can be programmed for virtually any combination of coins with a secure cash box to hold the coins. The separate coin box can be mounted either in front of the turnstile, at the side or alternatively can be wall mounted with the cash box at the rear. The turnstiles are made from 304 or 316 grade stainless steel and are duty cycle rated for intensive use.

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