Modular card scanning technology announces security breaches

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robbery access controlThe ringleaders of a large gang carrying out robberies amounting to a quarter of a million pounds have just been jailed. Patrick Smeda and Carlos Corlett were joined by four accomplices who targeted a long list of shops and stores in the West Country and Wales. Corlett, 31, and Smeda, 26, were sentenced to 15 and 14 years respectively. The group burgled convenience stores and houses and conspired to steal cars and licence plates to be used in the robberies.

Access Control UK has a raft of different technologies to combat intruders, beginning with Access Control smart card and biometric security scanning systems and software to protect all manner and size of premises. The basic one to four door Access Control set-up can control up to 128 doors from one PC and holds details on up to 10,000 Smart Card holders. Among the many features of the software (pictured is an example) is an output announcing flagged arrivals and security breaches. The modular technology can be integrated with surveillance cameras or other electronic barrier devices, which are all controlled through the same system.

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